Holistic Health: An Introduction
Mental and physical illness is no joke, neither is lacking in vital energy. To get off the merry-go-round of sickness, we are trading the pharmaceuticals and chemicals for natural nourishment and proven practices. Fasting, breathwork, and even capping our showers with cold make unbelievable physiological differences. And there is so much more!
As we improve our diets, mindsets and habits, we begin to see more clearly; feel better, younger even. This is what nature intended. This is how we become “One with the Tao” as the Taoist would say. All we need is the knowledge and the experience will keep us coming back for more, so let’s dive in, our well-being is in good hands – our own.
1 Comment
2 years agoFinishing your showers cold is the #1 easiest and best life hack, hands down. You’ll thank me later.